There are many technological and hygienic requirements behind modern buildings. We develop well thought-out overall concepts for drainage in building services.
These are based on our ACO system chain: Collect - Clean - Hold - Release. Whether shower, canteen kitchen or roof area - we provide sustainable solutions. Our mission: We shape the future of drainage in building services.
For the building services relaunch, a new layout was to be integrated and optimized on the existing technical basis of the ACO Civil Engineering and ACO Building Material projects. In addition, a product area was to be created which would be provided with XML-based technology for the product import. Further requirements were the TYPO3 upgrade to 8.7 LTS and a number of technical and usability improvements.
The layouts supplied by a third-party agency were integrated into the existing technical basis, supplemented and optimized in small parts. Special attention was paid to the integrated product area, which received XML-based product import technology, so that all product data originates from the ACO PIM and is available on the website via a PIM export and TYPO3 import process. In the course of the relaunch, the TYPO3 upgrade to version 8.7 LTS was carried out and the existing notepad function was made dynamic, flexible and expandable. In addition, all kinds of technical and usability improvements were made.
dkd - De TYPO3 en Shopware experts! // digitale waarde leveren //