Website Relaunch and Product Data Import / ACO Civil Engineering

"ACO. creating the future of drainage"

Website Relaunch and Product Data Import / ACO Civil Engineering

About ACO Civil Engineering

Urbanisation, climate change and environmental protection require increasingly efficient drainage systems.
For this purpose, ACO Civil Engineering is the specialist within the ACO Group for surface drainage, stormwater treatment, water pollution control and manhole covers.
The economical, quality-tested and certified products along the ACO system chain are continuously being developed. Furthermore, all project participants benefit from the comprehensive planning aids and services.

The Requirement

Since all ACO civil engineering product data is maintained in a central product information system (PIM), this should be planned and reused during the development of the website to avoid double product maintenance.

In addition, the transfer of functionality from the previous website and the technical refactoring and improvement for reuse in a modern TYPO3 system was also desired.

The Solution

The website was designed responsively on the basis of TYPO3 8.7 LTS. A standardization of ACO content elements and page templates serves as a basis for future websites of other ACO companies. A corresponding consultation and provision of a domain model for product data in the TYPO3 CMS was also carried out. With the help of product data sets of the TYPO3 database, TYPO3 pages and content elements can now be provided automatically. The integrated automatic product search function appears in a hierarchical display and includes extensive filter functions.

Based on EPIM exports, product data was imported and saved as TYPO3 data records. Throughout the entire project, the customer controlled the setup and management of the infrastructure and all deployment processes itself.

Gallerij & Functies

dkd Internet Service GmbH

dkd - De TYPO3 en Shopware experts! // digitale waarde leveren //

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