Summer sport gamification built in TYPO3 CMS

"Holiday campaign based on gamification was launched in July 2018 and it includes access to summer sports facilities and an attractive loyalty program, motivating users to physical activity in summer. Points collected for specific activities can be exchanged for prizes or spent on a charity goal. The biggest technological challenge of the project was a very short time to implement and creating from scratch a system of awarding, totalizing and counting points for all user activities durung the summer gamification."

Summer sport gamification built in TYPO3 CMS


The service is dedicated to the owners of MultiSport cards, which are already used by over one million people in Poland. Registered card users have access to personalized content and information about new products in the MultiSport program offer. Benefit Systems emphasizes that it is a very important channel of communication with users. 

In July, the Holidays with MultiSport campaign was launched. It includes access to summer sports facilities and an attractive loyalty program, based on the mechanism of gamification, motivating users to physical activity in summer. Points collected for specific activities can be exchanged for prizes or spent on a charity goal. The biggest technological challenge of the project was a very short time to implement (going live before the holidays) and creating from scratch a system of awarding, totalizing and counting points for all user activities durung the summer.


Applied solutions

The holiday loyalty program, as part of the platform, is the first project in which we support the Benefit Systems group comprehensively. Thanks to graphic and UX design process we proposed, it was possible to deliver the project twice as fast. Graphic design and software development from the back-end were happening simultaneously. 

The project was implemented in the Scrum and Agile methodology. This provides client with full transparency, the ability to track work progress and set current priorities with us. The project was assigned with a permanent and dedicated team, thanks to which cooperation was even more efficient. 

Form the very beginning, graphics, UX and UI in the Holidays with MultiSport was designed in the form of colorful, interactive mockups and clickable user paths. Throughout the duration of the project, client had direct contact with our UX / UI designer. As a result, we obtained a very modern and fully responsive layout.


What we achieved

The summer gamification took off with the beginning of July. Both the loyalty program itself and the platform will be further developed.

Summer colours, intuitive infographics and tiled layout on the website are very consistent and visually appealing. Thanks to the double menu, the user can easily find the content and information that interests him. After logging into a transparent panel, he sees the accumulated points, available rewards and receives notifications about his activities. As part of summer fun users can solve quizzes, use city bikes, take part in competitions and big sport events.

The safe and intuitive TYPO3 CMS system allows the editors of Benefit Systems to independently manage the content and photos without our programmers help.

Our successful cooperation with Benefit Systems continues. Current projects relate to new functionalities, improvement of UX and UI and complex search engines of sports facilities that will be implemented on the company's most important pages.


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Macopedia sp. z o.o.

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