Multilingual Responsive Website Relaunch

"Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, formerly FH Frankfurt, is one of the largest universities in Germany with over 11.000 students."

Multilingual Responsive Website Relaunch

About Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, formerly FH Frankfurt, is one of the largest universities in Germany with over 11.000 students. It has four large departments and over 50 courses of study to offer. As the only provider of technical disciplines, it has a unique position in Frankfurt am Main. The degree programmes lead to the internationally recognised Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

The requirement

Based on the latest TYPO3 version at the time of the relaunch, the website of the Frankfurt UAS was to be redesigned in a future-proof Responsive Web Design. The relaunch should comply with the principles: Mobile first, accessibility, multilingualism, partial relocation of the old presence, modern and target group-oriented navigation (user-oriented, not institution-oriented) and the modular implementation follow. The wish was to precisely define the rights and roles for editors, including LDAP integration for authentication, an "expert database" and the previous satellite presence was to be replaced by a microsite creation. Furthermore, there should be an extension for search engine optimization and contact management.

The solution

The basis of the new website is the implementation based on t3quick with TYPO3 version 8 LTS. First of all, the future structure for the website and intranet presence was worked out together with the responsible employees in an IA workshop. The focus here was on outputting the amount of content in a meaningful and structured way for the various target groups.

Based on the corporate design, the implementation followed the Atomic design approach. In the IA workshop, the decision was made in favor of the hamburger menu, which should not differ between desktop and mobile in the future. Thus, the requirement of accessibility could also be implemented well. Based on the extension tt_address a versatile address database was created, which allows to search for certain persons using different approaches. Using the Yoast extension, search engine optimization can be implemented quickly and easily and links are easier for users to read and find via RealURL. Furthermore, the automated deployment "dkdeploy" developed by dkd was set up.

Gallerij & Functies

dkd Internet Service GmbH

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