Responsive Website Relaunch with TYPO3

"ISRA VISION - Leading Machine Vision Systems"

Responsive Website Relaunch with TYPO3


ISRA VISION is always close to its customers at over 25 locations and three continents worldwide. For 35 years, ISRA VISION has been one of the international suppliers in the field of machine vision, which is one of the key technologies for industrial digitization, and has cooperated with technologically leading universities and innovation centers. With its systems, ISRA VISION ensures the success of large manufacturing companies worldwide every day. Its powerful components, in particular high-resolution cameras and fast LEDs, enable the acquisition of structures in the nanometer and nanopixel range even at extremely high speeds.


ISRA VISION approached us with the request to revise their website using TYPO3. In addition to a CRM connection and a protected download area, a contact centre and a job market were to be integrated. The challenge was to translate the product and company structure into a website structure that would be comprehensible to end users, so that users can quickly and easily find the right product for their area of interest. In addition, lead generation was to be optimized and security increased. In future, all download requests will generate leads and online applications will be automatically checked and encrypted before further transfer.



The website has been based on the t3quick package, which had already been used for the joint EPROMI project. The project was mostly undertaken in agile sprints. The site has been prepared for a multilingual operation with up to 12 languages and the project started going live with three languages. An external CRM system and a newsletter tool has been integrated, and hosting has been provided by Enterprise. Technical support will continue to be handled by our support department.

The following extensions have been developed exclusively for this project:

  • Automatic language routing according to page visitor browser language
  • Time-shifted CRM connection
  • Multi-level protection and encryption of the application process
  • Product database­­
  • Job market based on Solr
  • Redirect management extension (for forwarding old URLs to new structures)
  • Integration of translation management extension "l10nmgr"

Gallerij & Functies

dkd Internet Service GmbH

dkd - De TYPO3 en Shopware experts! // digitale waarde leveren //

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