Minebea Intec

"We are a driving force for the further globalization and concentration of our industry."

Minebea Intec


Minebea Intec’s preeminent position as a technological innovator and solution provider is reflected in the phrase “The true measure”, which serves as a leitmotif on the redesigned Minebea Intec website.

dkd developed and realised a responsive design concept that focuses on functionality and usability, with content structured in an attractive and user-friendly way. The website gives a friendly and open impression thanks to large-scale pictures, video sequences and an impactful presentation the company’s products and services. The content is arranged in fields of interest, which simplifies the navigation for visitors and enables them to reach the information they desire directly.


Each product catalogue page includes an option to see and contact the person responsible for the respective topic, based on geo IP.
Registered users have access to the spare part shop with over 10.000 products. dkd’s shop solution is fully integrated in the company´s SAP-System.
A powerful search with different facettes and document types is realised with dkd’s „Solr for TYPO3“-Plugin.
Inspired by the idea of growth-driven design, dkd is in an ongoing process to develop further improvements of the website.

About the company

Minebea Intec, formerly known as Sartorius Intec, provides products, solutions and services to the process industry for increasing the reliability, safety and efficiency of production and packaging lines. Minebea Intec has more than 70 years experience in supporting the industry to ensure that manufactured goods have the right quality and do not contain any foreign bodies. Minebea Intec´s ability to do this, is based on the German Quality of products combined with continuous investment in developing leading technologies.

Gallerij & Functies

dkd Internet Service GmbH

dkd - De TYPO3 en Shopware experts! // digitale waarde leveren //

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